Wednesday, January 25, 2006


A recent nationwide survey found almost 90% of adult Internet users share content with others. Jokes, cartoons, and news are most popular, according to Sharpe Partners, a New York-based firm which manages online e-mail and marketing campaigns for companies. Three out of five respondents said they shared content at least once a week, 25% do so more frequently. Only 7% of adults surveyed said they had a negative impression when they received content which included a company's brand.This folks is hard evidence that Superdistribution has finally arrived. (Source: Frank Barnako's Internet Daily)

Superdistribution makes it more likely that products will "find" the people who desire them. This is in contrast to someone knowing they want something, and then going to look for it, which is the key to centralized distribution. This usually requires that marketing costs be part of the equation, on top of the infrastructure costs.

With Superdistribution, it is more likely that you might have someone push a recommendation and content to you. Superdistribution lowers marketing costs by taking advantage of natural human behavior. It fosters free and unfettered exchange of information and collaboration.

Having been involved with Superdistribution technologies since 1997, I can tell you its taken a long time for this type of distribution to be taken seriously. And since new research shows that it is in full swing, I'll be sharing all of the thinking that we are aware of that has been going into Superdistribution for almost 10 years.

I will attempt to be neutral as to the technologies, marketing concepts and companies that are poised to power the future of Superdistribution. So I will try to get the shameless promotion of our company out of the way in this first posting.

DigitalContainers has patent protected technologies for containerizing digitized content as e-commerce media objects that can be encrypted, shared, advertised, tracked, monetized and securely stored on any device. Digital “containers” are utilized to dramatically reduce the fixed and variable costs in aggregating, securing, packaging, marketing, distributing and monetizing media objects over the Internet.

Our technology and services allow creators and publishers of digital media – music, videos, documents, software, games and other intellectual property – to quickly and easily monetize their digital goods by creating, packaging, registering and releasing them into the global market using a wizard-based packager.

DCI’s technology does not require proprietary software to be pre-installed on playback devices, allowing our containers to be distributed across any digital channel including web storefronts, peer-to-peer networks, community sites and corporate networks.

The system persistently tracks and monetizes the content, generating transaction revenue in extended networks across the entire Internet and enables Superdistribution of digital goods, where content is passed from person to person.


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